Irrigation 11
Link RID
:: Goals ::
 :: A: Mission Effectiveness

       1. Amount of reserved water and irrigation area is increased.
       2. Water is supplied to all sectors thoroughly and equitably.
       3. Loss caused by water disaster is reduced.
 :: B: Services Quality

       4. Workable condition of irrigation structures is maintained.
       5. Consumers are satisfied with water management.
       6. Water quality meets standards.
       7. Flood forecasting and warning system is in workable condition.
 :: C: Performance Efficiency

       8. Construction, repair and improvement are preceded as planned.
       9. Preparation before construction is done as planned.
       10. Participation of people, communities, and relevant sector are achieved.
       11. Comprehensive public relations are encouraged continuously.
       12. Effective water planning and management are implemented.
       13. Results of studies, researches, and development are used in
             the departments operation.
       14. Rules and regulations are modernized and up-to-dated.
       15. The administration is effective.
:: D: Organizational development

       16. Its personnel are competent and motivated for work.
       17. Organizational knowledge is managed.
       18. Appropriate database system and informational technology
             are implemented.
       19. Machinery and tools are in workable condition.
ตั้งแต่ 4 มกราคม 2553